Leave a boat or trailer on our local streets and you’ll cop a hefty fine.

Times up for unattended boats and other vehicles monopolising local parking.
Owners of unattended tinnies, dinghies, jet-skis and speed boats monopolising parking on local streets will face harsh penalties if they do not take quick action and remove them, under strict new laws passed by Parliament.
Unregistered vehicles including cars, boat trailers and caravans left in public places are now up for an on-the-spot fine of $660, a court penalty of up to $2,750, and/or have their vehicle impounded.
Member for North Shore Felicity Wilson said the new law means our roads will be safer to navigate and open up much needed parking spaces, particularly on Cowles Rd and Avenue Rd.

“This is welcome news for our local community as I hear from many that boat trailers take up valuable space on our roads which impacts parking for locals and visitors alike,” Ms Wilson said.
“We are sending a clear message to the owners of boat trailers left unattended on our roads and putting the onus on them to manage their trailers – or they will face harsh penalties.
“Not only will the new rules improve road safety and parking access for our community, but they will also reduce the annual cost of removing abandoned boat trailers from our roads.”

The new rules will enable authorised officers including councils to issue removal notices and penalty infringement notices for cars and trailers on public roads 15 days after the registration lapses.
The Minister for Local Government Shelley Hancock initiated a review of the Impounding Act 1993, which included stakeholder consultation with councils, industry representatives, and peak organisations.
The Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Bill 2021 was passed after Minister Hancock introduced the Bill to the NSW Parliament last week.
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