Council Roundup: Mosman house names, find a JP, $4000 community grants now available.

What’s in a name? Council invites you to find out the name of your house at a special History Week event.
Before Mosman’s houses had identifying numbers, many had names, each with a story to tell about the house or its owners.
One of the most common enquiries Mosman Library Service’s local studies team receives is from residents wanting to know if their house had a name, be it in the Victorian era when figures in classical mythology and ship names were popular; the Federation period with names of Australian flora and Indigenous words trending; or post-World War I, with houses often named after battlefields in France and Gallipoli.
The library service is inviting residents to learn more about homes and historical names in free 30-minute sessions on 16 May. Bookings essential. Call 9978 4101.
The event is part of the 2024 Australian Heritage Festival.
Community Grants
Council’s community grants program is open for applications from 11 April to 7 June.
The program provides small grants of up to $4000 to community and not-for-profit organisations, for projects delivered during 2024-2025 that benefit the Mosman community.
Projects may include those that enhance the social and mental wellbeing of the Mosman community, help community organisations provide key services, encourage collaboration and partnerships, and align with Council’s strategic directions.
For information and to apply, go to the WEBSITE.

Council’s community grants program is currently open for applications.
Public Feedback Please
Community feedback is invited on Council’s major planning and financial documents for next financial year.
The draft (revised) MOSPLAN Delivery Program 2022-2026 (incorporating a review of the 2022-2032 Long Term Financial Plan), and 2024-2025 Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges are on public exhibition until 12 May.
The documents outline how Council, in partnership with others, intends to deliver on its vision for Mosman, with particular focus on the 2024-2025 financial year.
Council will consider public submissions at its June meeting, with adopted plans taking effect from 1 July.
For information and to apply, go to the WEBSITE.

Public submissions are invited on Mosman Council’s draft MOSPLAN delivery program.
Mosman Stories
An exhibition celebrating Mosman residents and business owners will be staged as part of the 2024 Australian Heritage Festival.
Faces in the Crowd: More Mosman Stories is showing at Barry O’Keefe Library from 24 April to 19 May.
The focus is the unique stories of three locals: Les Peterkin, teacher, potter, musician, and namesake of a portrait prize; Harry J. Weston, designer, artist, and teacher who established one of the country’s first commercial art studios; and Elizabeth Reimer, designer, and manufacturer of mid-century costume jewellery.
Highly respected by their contemporaries, each established successful businesses, shared their skills, and influenced the development of design and culture in the local and wider community.

Les Peterkin at his studio in Mosman.
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Sign Design
Young people are invited to channel their creativity into artwork that will inspire public signage in Mosman.
At a workshop on 16 April, running from 1pm to 4pm, artist Karla Hayes will explore the design process, with participants creating concept artwork for potential use in a new entry sign for Mosman Youth Centre.
The program is open to 12- to 19-year-olds and is part of Youth Week 2024.
Register for this free event via the WEBSITE.

Young people aged between 12 and 19 are invited to collaborate and create a new sign for Mosman Youth Centre.
JP Service
A free weekly Justice of the Peace (JP) service is available at Barry O’Keefe Library.
A volunteer JP is on duty on Wednesdays from 12pm to 2pm.
JPs are volunteers appointed by the NSW Governor. The primary roles of a JP are to witness a person making a statutory declaration or affidavit, and to certify copies of original documents.
JPs come from all sections of the community and are available across NSW.

A free JP service is available weekly at Mosman Library.
Email: [email protected]
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