Crows Nest and Victoria Cross Metro stations will NOT open on August 4 as planned.
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“Like a giant chicken nugget”: Local anger as Cammeray’s ventilation stack design is revealed.

Published On: August 1, 2024

New plans show a 30 metre high gold smoke stack is set for the Warringah Freeway at Cammeray.


A giant gold smoke stack releasing vehicle exhaust fumes from the Western Harbour Tunnel is set to become an unwanted Cammeray landmark.

Angry locals have taken to social media following the release of a Design and Landscape Stage 2 Draft, now open for community feedback until August 28.

An artist’s impression of the gigantic ventilation stack and two other buildings set for resumed Cammeray Golf Course land.

According to new documents, the new facility will be the largest “surface intervention” of the $6.7 billion project, paying homage to the sandstone geography of the lower north shore.

“The structure is approximately 30m in height, making it a commanding structure when viewed from Warringah Freeway,” the plan reads, “complemented by the portal feature, it serves as a welcoming element to the tunnel when seen from the main entrance ramp.”

Locals, however, mostly disagree, with many calling it an eyesore.

Artist’s impression of the view from Ernest Street (existing context shown indicatively, trees and landscape shown at 5 years maturity).

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“Who are they kidding?” Cammeray resident Susie Maguire said on a Facebook community page, “This is the ugliest thing I have ever seen in my life.”

“Absolutely horrendous,” John Oswick said, “especially the unfiltered exhaust smoke & other filth the “Ventilation facilities” will be pumping out next to schools, homes & workplaces.”

Writing on the Cammeray Community Matters page, Ian Hindley said tongue-in-cheek that he was “reassured” to read about the giant Pollution Stack to be built near the Ernest Street bridge.

“The overarching design objective is to minimise the perceived scale of the structure and ensure its sensitive integration with the surrounding environment,” he said, “but then you see the picture of it … it’s like Donald Trump designed it.”

View from Warringah Freeway northbound (trees and landscape shown at 5 years maturity).

Resident Lauren Lacey said the smoke stack gave her strong “chicken nugget vibes.”

“They’ve cut down thousands of trees and replaced them with a huge gold turd; what a disgrace,” another said.

Two additional ventilation buildings will be located along the eastern side of the Warringah Freeway alignment, on a portion of land formerly part of the Cammeray Golf Club.

The Draft document states that the gigantic gold structure will contribute positively and harmoniously to the surrounding urban environment and act as a “pleasing and distinctive landmark”.

See the design and have your say until midnight, Wednesday, August 28.


Email: [email protected]

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