Local Heroes: Scout leader Matthew Brownlie named 2024 Mosman Citizen of the Year.

Mosman Scout leader Matthew Brownlie is the 2024 Citizen of the Year.
Australia Day in Mosman saw 120 locals gather to watch 34 residents from 18 different countries become new citizens of the nation.
The ceremony also saw Mosman Scout leader Matthew Browlie named as 2024 Citizen of the Year.

34 residents from 18 different countries become new Mosman citizens on Australia Day.
Mr Brownlie was recognised for his many years of volunteering with the 1st Balmoral Scout Group, where he has served as a leader since 2008 and played key roles in special events such as the local annual Sirius Cup Regatta and a range of camps, hikes and canoeing expeditions for large groups of adults and young people in locations across Australia and internationally.
It is estimated that he has completed more than 80 camps as a Scout leader – totalling about 250 nights in a tent – run more than 500 Friday Scout nights and logged more than 450 hours in a canoe.
Mr Brownlie has also played a role in mentoring other leaders and Scouts across northern Sydney.
His award followed a community-led nomination process.

Mr Browlie receive his award from Mayor Carolyn Corrigan.
The nomination recognised the significant amount of time and dedication devoted by Mr Brownlie, the respect shown from young people to him as a Scout leader and his role in making the 1st Balmoral group a success.
Mosman Mayor Carolyn Corrigan said Mr Brownlie was a worthy recipient of the Citizen of the Year honour.
“Matthew is to be congratulated for his dedicated and inspiring leadership over many years,” Mayor Corrigan said.
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“Volunteers like Matthew enrich valuable community organisations such as the Scouts and bring credit to the Mosman area.”
“For this and the social connections volunteers build through their tireless efforts, we are so grateful.”

“Volunteers like Matthew enrich valuable community organisations such as the Scouts and bring credit to the Mosman area,” Mayor Corrigan said.
Mayor Corrigan also presided over a citizenship ceremony, where more than 30 conferees took the pledge to become Australian citizens.
“It is such an honour to share this very special occasion with our newest citizens,” she said.
“The number and diversity of people choosing to make Mosman their home demonstrates what a wonderful place this is.”
Nationally, more than 22,200 people from over 150 countries were invited to attend one of more than 430 citizenship ceremonies hosted by local government councils and other organisations as part of their Australia Day events program, information from the Department of Home Affairs shows.
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