Mosman Council: All the latest news and information from your local government.

Mosman Collective brings you the latest Council happenings each week as part of its commitment to local news.
An initiative to encourage the uptake of local public transport is being launched in Mosman.
BusWalk is promoting utilisation of Mosman’s bus network and short walks around neighbourhoods to connect precincts such as Balmoral Beach and Mosman Village.
A monitoring period to assess the utilisation of bus services will be in place from 17 February to 14 April.
It follows community feedback that key issues for Mosman include traffic congestion and management, parking availability and affordability, and protection of the natural environment and addressing climate change.
Council is working with residents and businesses to make improvements in these areas.

BusWalk is promoting utilisation of Mosman’s bus network and short walks to connect neighbourhood precincts.
Harbour History
The story of a Japanese midget submarine attack on Sydney Harbour during World War II will be explored through literature, film and art in a special event at Barry O’Keefe Library.
Author Peter Grose and designer Gary Jackson will share an account of the events of 31 May to 1 June, 1942, in a presentation designed to bring to life this moment in history and debunk long-held myths.
A selection of Ken Done paintings from the artist’s midget sub series, now part of the Mosman Art Collection, will be discussed. A display of images, text, newspaper articles and replica models will also complement the event titled: Battle of Sydney Harbour, 1942 – Night Attack!
Bookings via trybooking HERE.

The Japanese attack on Sydney Harbour in World War II will be explored at Mosman Library.
Heritage Festival
Celebrating stories as part of the 2024 Australian Heritage Festival, Mosman Library Service is offering residents the chance to explore their own works in a free event.
Shelf Life, a self-publishing workshop with presenter Margaret Szalay, will offer tips on editing, design and marketing.
Bookings are now open via for the 23 April festival workshop.
The National Trust festival is one of the largest community-driven celebrations of heritage.
Find out more at

A special event to celebrate the 2024 Australian Heritage Festival will be held at the Library on April 23.
Clean Up
Registrations are now open for Clean Up Australia Day on 3 March, with several events in Mosman seeking volunteers to assist at beach and bushland locations.
In 2023, more than 760,000 Australians rolled up their sleeves for the annual day, with vapes, cigarette butts, coffee cups and soft plastics among the most commonly reported items collected by volunteers.
A Business Clean Up Day is also scheduled for 27 February and a Schools Clean Up Day for 1 March.
Register at

Registrations are now open for Clean Up Australia Day.
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Bio Books
Mosman Library Service books will have a new look and feel with the introduction of biodegradable coverings.
Books are covered in protective plastic to help ensure the longevity of the items as they are borrowed by multiple users.
As part of Council’s commitment to sustainability, the library service has adopted a biodegradable book covering. It is designed to last the shelf-life of the book but breaks down in landfill without leaving microplastics.
Fewer stickers are also being added to books in a bid to reduce the amount of waste produced.

Mosman Library is adopting biodegradable book covering.
Come and Create
An all-ages space offering everything from podcasting to 3D printing and robotics has recommenced regular sessions, following the completion of summer holiday programs.
Creation Space has free sessions available from Monday to Friday between 10am and 12pm for adults and from 3pm to 5pm for children.
Each has a focus on the use of technology, games and equipment with a different theme each day.
No bookings are required. Check the Creation Space hub on for more details.
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