North Sydney Council offers free shuttle bus for residents to count bats at Centennial Park.

Keen to count bats? Residents are invited to attend a special “Bat Count” at Centennial Park on Saturday 9 March.
Local residents are invited to contribute to the National Flying Fox monitoring program by attending a special “Bat Count” this weekend.
People aged 12 and up can register for the free event, with shuttle buses running from North Sydney Council chambers to Centennial Park from 5pm on Saturday 9 March.
Four times a year, volunteers undertake a count of the park’s flying fox camp in the central paperbark swamp area.

It’s believed up to 40,000 bats live at Centennial Park, having first moved there in 2010.
You will join a team at dusk and observe and count the threatened Grey Headed Flying Foxes as they fly out to forage across the Sydney basin.
The bats set up camp there in 2010 and can be seen flying between trees in broad daylight.
Grey-headed flying foxes are unique to Australia and are currently listed as vulnerable to extinction. Their numbers in Centennial Park vary depending on food sources available, but over 40,000 of them have been observed at any one time, (with a few black flying foxes among them).

The event is suitable for people over the age of 12, with a free bus running from North Sydney Council at 5pm.
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“Flying-foxes have been visiting the Parklands to feed on the flowers and fruits of native plants for many years,” a spokesperson told Mosman Collective.
“They play an important role in the Australian environment as they are natural pollinators and seed dispersers. Staff work in conjunction with enthusiastic volunteers to organise population counts like the one taking place this weekend.”
The bat counts assist in monitoring trends in the flying fox population to assess status and condition of the camp, and to better inform management strategies.

The flying foxes are an endangered species.

Flying foxes are natural pollinators and seed dispersers.
Volunteer for Bat Surveying
Celebrate Bat Night by monitoring an endangered Grey-headed Flying-fox colony for conservation with the Botanic Gardens Environment Officer, Centennial Parkland Volunteers and the North Sydney Bushland Team.
Transport will be provided.
Please wear enclosed shoes and bring a torch to light your path.
Suitable for ages 12 years and above.
Meet at North Sydney Council chambers at 5pm for FREE transport.
Reserve your spot HERE.
Email: [email protected]
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