North Sydney Voters: Meet your 2024 Local Government election candidates – Cammeraygal.
Locals rush to join the Balmoral Run Club: “Win the morning, win the day”.

North Sydney Voters: Meet your 2024 Local Government election candidates – St Leonards

Published On: August 29, 2024

North Sydney voters are heading to the polls on September 14 to choose 10 councillors.

Here you will find helpful links on pre-polling, polling booth locations, and candidates in order of ballot draw, who will tell us why they want our votes.

Please note that North Sydney LGA is divided into two “wards”, Cammeraygal and St Leonards. To see which ward you are in, look at the map below.

Each candidate has been provided equal space (maximum 250 words) and identical questions, and no part of our election coverage is sponsored in any way.

Check your enrolment details and find out which LGA you are in here.

Where do I vote? We have included the voting locations and links for each ward below.

Want to vote early in North Sydney?

Postal votes must be submitted before 5pm on 9 September. Learn about how to do that here. You can also pre-poll vote from 7 September until 13 September (excluding Sunday). The locations of pre-polling booths are listed here.


Group A – Independent

Zoe Baker
Christopher Holding
Nicole Antonini
Diana Davidson
Rebecca McDonald

Zoe Baker

Lead Candidate Spotlight: Zoe Baker

Zoë was first elected to Council in 2008 and brings energy, intelligence and integrity to her role. As Mayor, Zoë has worked diligently to build and strengthen community connections across the diverse groups that make North Sydney such a special place in which to live, study and work.

She has a passion for urban design and planning and a strong commitment to sustainability and innovation in all aspects of Council decision making. As a true independent, I am not affiliated with any party or large donors, and operate free from vested interests.

This has been a short term – two years instead of four – and I want to continue the work, after a decade of chaos, of returning Council to a responsive, community-focused organisation committed to real public participation, transparency, sustainability and integrity. There is a real risk that the good policies and projects of this Council may be abandoned without champions at the elected level who share the values of and commitment to the priorities of our community.

My priorities include delivering and opening the North Sydney Pool whilst ensuring the Council finances are strong, sustainable and resilient; addressing the devastating environmental impacts of State Government major road projects and the needs of an increasing population; securing the return of public open space at Cammeray, Anzac, St Leonards and Bradfield Parks; addressing social isolation and inclusion. And, the issues, priorities and expectations that have emerged from Council’s once-in-a generation community engagement on the next 10 years.

Find out more about Zoe Baker HERE.

Group B – Independent

James Spenceley
Daniel Whitford
Felicity Gardner
Deon Ludick
Christopher Neville

James Spenceley

Lead Candidate Spotlight: James Spenceley

I am an award winning (2x Entrepreneur of the Year) businessperson and current Councillor.

I’ve lived in the area for 20 years across Crows Nest, North Sydney and Cremorne.

As a councillor I have a transparent, truly independent voting record, I have no alliances and as a result can operate with fierce independence on each item that effects our community. 

My achievements in my first term including rescinding the Neutral Bay planning study that allowed for up to 12 story redevelopments around the town-centre. Protecting cottages around Cremorne Orpheum as well as approving sensible developments in the transport hub areas.

I believe in a balanced approach to development, respecting our area’s character but assisting in creating affordable housing for our essential workers and opening our area to the younger generation and downsizes.

My manta is ‘commonsense over politics’ and my goal is to create an efficient and easy to deal with Council. North Sydney is amongst the bottom on DA response times and general service efficiency, these are areas where technology and business experience can add value.

With business operations, large scale project management, governance. strong finance and technology background, I believe I can continue to add further value to our Council.

We need to be proud of our Council and a vote or for me comes with a commitment I’ll continue to do my absolute best for our residents.

Group C – Independent

Michael Want
William Bourke
Susan Kitchener
John Heathers
Enzo Smith

Michael Want

Lead Candidate Spotlight: Michael Want

I live in Crows Nest and care deeply about our local environment and quality of life. I have a strong community focus, having been involved with kids’ basketball and rugby in North Sydney and Lane Cove. My three adult children all attended school in North Sydney.

I have a Degree in Building Science and am a self-employed consultant in the Project Management and Built Environment space, in which I have worked for over 40 years. I also have a passion for sport and recreation, having played rugby for Queensland and also in France and the USA.

We need to ensure Council is as responsive to community needs as possible, whether it be in fixing local roads or addressing community concerns about overdevelopment.

I would like to continue the strong work of current Sustainable Australia Party Councillor William Bourke.
Another area of significant interest in business is Economically Sustainable Development and environmental issues. I am passionate about climate change and ensuring this generation passes on a better planet to my children and grandchildren.

Find out more about Michael Want HERE.

Group D – Labor

Godfrey Santer
Jade Tyrrell
Rayna Brown
Julie Anne Newton
Olivia Lee

Godfrey Santer

Lead Candidate Spotlight: Godfrey Santer

I have been a resident of North Sydney for 30 years, a registered member of the Labor Party for 11 years, a North Sydney Councillor since January 2022 and I am currently Deputy Mayor.

Prior to running for Council, I started up and ran a successful business in North Sydney, after a career as a diplomat with overseas postings in Asia, Europe and the Middle East, and then as Deputy Managing Director of the Australian Tourist Commission.

I am running for Council again because, given the short amount of time we have been given in the current Council term due to Covid, I want to continue the progress we have made in introducing needed social and economic reform in the LGA.

My motivations in running for Council include:

• Ensuring that, while agreeing to contribute to solving the housing crisis, in any new property development, we fight for associated necessary infrastructure, especially the inclusion of a substantial, permanent affordable housing component, adequate utilities, recognition of heritage architecture and enhancement of parks and public spaces.

• Increasing North Sydney’s uptake of renewable energy and the environment.

• Promoting the establishment and maintenance of small business – especially a local tourism industry.

• Establishment of a better waste management system; overcoming the loss of open space and vegetation resulting from expansion of the Freeway.

• Recognition of the need to preserve our LGA’s architectural heritage.

• Developing relationships with my fellow Councillors based on negotiation towards an agreed outcome based on compromise, rather than conflict, a policy rather than personality-based approach.

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North Sydney Voters: Meet your 2024 Local Government election candidates – Cammeraygal.
Locals rush to join the Balmoral Run Club: “Win the morning, win the day”.

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