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Sustainability Leaders: Mosman and North Sydney residents top ‘Return and Earn’ recycling efforts.

Published On: September 4, 2024

Mosman residents have returned over 9.8 million containers in the past year.


Residents of Mosman and North Sydney are setting a benchmark in the New South Wales “Return and Earn” recycling initiative, outshining other suburbs with their impressive container return rates.

Mosman has returned over 9.8 million containers, closely followed by North Sydney with nearly 5 million, marking their significant contributions to this environmental success story.

The Return and Earn scheme offers a 10-cent refund per eligible drink container.

The scheme, offering a 10-cent refund per eligible drink container, has bolstered community engagement and heightened a culture of sustainability in these areas.

James Dorney, CEO of TOMRA Cleanaway, the network operator for Return and Earn, praised the program: “Return and Earn is a NSW circular economy success story. Seven years post-launch, it stands as one of the state’s most successful and trusted recycling initiatives, with over 1 million tonnes of materials recycled, reducing drink container litter by 54% from pre-scheme levels.”

New data shows 93% of NSW adults back the initiative and 78% trust it.

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Recent research indicates that support and trust in the scheme have soared, with 93% of NSW adults backing the initiative and 78% trusting it. Participation has also reached new heights, with 84% of NSW adults having participated.

North Sydney LGA residents returned 1.7 million PET bottles over the past year.

In Mosman, over the past year, residents have returned 3.27 million aluminium cans, 3.26 million PET bottles, and over three million glass bottles. Meanwhile, in North Sydney, the figures include 1.7 million PET bottles, 1.69 million aluminium cans, and 1.48 million glass bottles.

The scheme’s popularity continues to grow, with eight in ten NSW residents participating. “Return and Earn has also become a vital fundraising channel, generating over $54 million for charities and community groups through donations and hosting fees since its inception in December 2017,” added a spokesperson for the scheme.


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