Mosman residents split over historic club’s massive Pickleball plan.

Plans for six Pickleball courts at Warringah Bowling Club could secure the financial future of the historic club.
A prime parcel of heritage real estate, used for more than 120 years to play lawn bowls, is set to be transformed in a bold plan that is dividing the community.
The Chairman and Directors of Warringah Bowls Club want the top bowling green at 74-82 Bradleys Head Rd converted into six Pickleball courts to keep the cash-strapped club afloat.

The 120 year old club is located on a prized parcel of land, at 74-82 Bradleys Head Rd, Mosman.
The club’s social members will vote on the proposal from Mosman Pickleball (MPB) at a meeting to be held on April 14.
An agreement between Warringah Bowls and MPB would see 1,053sqm leased at $90,000 (plus GST) per annum for 12 years, with an option to extend for another 12-year term.
The new Pickleball courts would operate between 7am and 10pm, pending Council approval, providing the Bowls Club with a new source of revenue.

Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the world and has recently taken off on the lower north shore.
As part of the deal, Mosman Pickleball will resurface the rented area with synthetic grass, while the bottom green will remain unchanged.
“By including resurfacing of the remaining top green to an artificial surface, the Club opens up many other opportunities for developing further community links in areas such as Markets, family fun days and barefoot bowls,” Club Secretary Liarne Peek said.
“The possibility of the Club becoming a Breakfast/Brunch venue, as a result of early morning Pickleball sessions, and then the wider community, is another avenue to be explored.
“Any and all of these opportunities can enhance the Club’s standing by introducing alternative sources of revenue and increasing Bar and Bistro turnover which in turn will contribute to the long-term survival of the Club.”

An artists impression of what the “top green” at Warringah Bowls Club will look like if the plan goes ahead.
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However the plan has divided locals, many who have expressed concerns on social media about noise and disruption.
“I don’t support the proposal because the noise from the courts will drive nearby residents nuts,” Robyn Holt said, “Paddle on the “Pickle” makes a sharp sound and since it’s a fast sport, on multiple courts, it should not be played in a residential area.”
“Too many residents live around here, and additional traffic will be huge, there will be an increase in noise – and – it is a fad. You’ve got a large kids care business next door that don’t need the noise, people or cars,” Damien Bastock added.
“Genuinely fuming at this – Lawn Bowls is absolutely the superior sport. You’re saying you want to ruin a bowls club that has been established in 1903 so you can play your ‘trendy’ sport that will be laughed at in 10 years for how dumb it is,” Robbie Arnold wrote.

Sydney “Bowlos” have been dwindling over the past 40 years, with just 128 still operating in our city.
Sydney’s “bowlos” have long been in financial freefall, with running costs, smoking bans, ageing members, lock out laws, Covid-19 and a shift in social practises all contributing to their demise.
In the past decade, 51 clubs have closed in Sydney, and the city has lost nearly half its bowlos over the past 40 years, decreasing from 210 in 1980 to just 128 today.
“We have been offered an opportunity with Mosman Pickleball to bring a new sport to our Club and help bring the vibrancy we need,” the Club said.
“It is intended that each of these players would become a social member of the Club and on projections would contribute to an increase in income of over $200,000 in the first year even if they all only purchased a coffee or soft drink.”
Read the Warringah Bowls Club General Meeting Notice in its entirety, HERE.
Become a SOCIAL MEMBER of Warringah Bowls Club HERE
NOTE: WBC Social Members (just $20/year) can attend the April 14 meeting and VOTE on the proposal. Whether you are for or against the plan, have your voice heard.
Email: [email protected]
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