More homes broken into over the weekend. Have you locked up?

Local police are urging residents to be on high alert after more break-ins over the weekend.
Two homes were broken into on Bay St, Mosman around 1:00 am Friday morning (May 15) while the occupants slept.

North Shore Police Area Command says offenders gained entry into a four-bedroom house through a ground floor door and stole car keys left on the kitchen bench.
Nearby, another property was also broken into through an unlocked kitchen window, where a handbag was stolen.

“Residents should be reminded not to leave car keys or other valuables out when they go to bed at night,” Senior Constable Jenni Brown told Mosman Collective.
“Keep your bags, wallets and keys out of sight and in a drawer or a location where they won’t easily be found.
“If you have two cars, consider taking the second set of keys with you, so they are not left inside your property when you go out.”
Senior Constable Brown said two attempted break-ins occurred on the same night, in Pearl Bay Avenue and Davidson Parade, Cremorne.
Senior Constable Brown said increased patrols are underway across the North Shore.
“We have proactive unmarked cars, with plain clothes police all over the lower north shore,” she said.
“Added to this is our fleet of Highway Patrol vehicles which are concentrating on major arterial roads like Spit Rd and Military Rd.
“We ask that anyone who sees a high-performance car on the road late at night be alert.
“If you see one of these luxury vehicles speeding, or driving erratically, call the police.”
Senior Constable Brown also asks residents to make sure their CCTV and home security systems are in working order.
If you see anything suspicious, contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Senior Constable Jenni Brown.
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