“An absolute shit show”: Residents slam plan to close Alfred St off-ramp.

Locals are furious after Transport for NSW revealed plans to close the Alfred St North off-ramp.
Lower north shore residents have unleashed fury after plans to close one of Sydney’s busiest off-ramps were released by Transport for NSW.
The Warringah Freeway southbound off-ramp at Alfred St will be a “no go zone” for eight months, from November 22 to mid-2025, as part of the upgrade project that continues to disrupt the local community.

There are now calls for residents to demand a toll subsidy while works are being completed.
The exit ramp is the main access road for southbound motorists to access North Sydney and Kirribilli, with drivers also using the ramp to travel to adjoining suburbs such as Kurraba Point and Cremorne.
It is also the last turn-off before the Sydney Harbour Bridge, meaning motorists will have to use alternative routes like Military Rd and the Pacific Hwy to access North Sydney.
Resident Elle Maree Timbrell took to social media this week to vent her frustration, saying motorists will be forced to use the Military Rd exit at Neutral Bay, which incurs a $2.04 toll per trip.

The Warringah Expressway upgrade will cost tax payers at least $1.8 Billion.
She is calling for residents to demand a toll subsidy while works are being completed.
“I would suggest you propose that they (Transport NSW) subsidise the cost of that toll for the duration of the off-ramp closure, because asking residents who have already been consistently impacted by this project to foot the bill to allow them to complete work is totally unreasonable,” Ms Timbrell said.

“It’s an absolute shit-show,” one Cammeray resident told Mosman Collective.
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The closure will severely impact thousands of parents who rely on the Alfred St off ramp to transport their children to schools on the lower north shore.
“It’s an absolute shit-show,” one Cammeray resident told Mosman Collective.
“We need to use that ramp several times a day to get kids to and from school activities.
“How is it fair to make motorists pay a toll to use the Military Rd exit after three years of chronic disruption?
“This entire Warringah Expressway upgrade is a joke. We’ve lost thousands of trees, wildlife has been decimated, and now this.
“It’s just not good enough.”

You can have your say on the closure until Sunday 17 November.
Neutral Bay resident Kerri Phillips, who uses the Alfred St ramp daily, said the closure will impact local roadways as motorists attempt to use “rat runs” through the area.
“Residential streets, especially in Neutral Bay, will be severely impacted by this,” she told Mosman Collective.
“We all need to prepare for more road rage, particularly around school pick up and drop off times.”
Tony Morgan, the owner of Morgan’s Kirribilli and San Antonio Sourdough Bakery, told the Mosman Daily the November closure “couldn’t be worse” timing for businesses.
“Christmas and New Year’s is our busiest period and the timing is terrible,” he said.
“Why not do it in winter when the shops are quieter?”

Construction will not be completed until 2026.
Transport for NSW said the closure was to enable construction works on a new bus lane, underpass and road viaduct for the Warringah Freeway upgrade.
A spokeswoman for the department said the closure would “speed up” construction works”, thereby “reducing construction impacts on local communities”.
“The temporary closure will remove the need for up to 90 nights of noisy work, by allowing for quicker delivery of required infrastructure and making it possible to safely complete these works during the day,” she said.
“It will also remove the need for 10 weekends of extended work hours.
“We acknowledge this closure will affect residents and visitors to Kirribilli, North Sydney and Neutral Bay by adding time to their journeys, due to the detours. We apologise for this inconvenience and thank them for their patience.”
Have your say on this important local issue by submitting feedback here until Sunday 17 November.
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