As Mosman unlocks, locals get ready to celebrate ‘Freedom Day’.

Dining out, going to the gym, haircuts and beers at the pub are all back on the agenda when Covid restrictions lift on Monday. Mosman Collective asked local residents how they’ll be celebrating life after lockdown.
Kate Waterhouse
“I can’t wait for Freedom Day,” Kate says.
“I’ll be starting the day at Balmoral with the best trainer in town (David McIlwaine from Fit for Dreams) – followed by a sit-down cup of coffee from Simple Simons and we’ll head to Bathers Pavilion on Monday night for an early dinner with the kids.”
Tim Fallon
“Well, our family dogs are sick of being walked three times a day that’s for sure, so they might have a rest,” says Tim Fallon.
“We can’t wait to welcome family, friends and locals back to The Buena for proper relaxed conversations with the people we haven’t seen for so long. It will be liberating to have a laugh and switch off all devices!
“The first few weeks will be challenging as the government has put the onus on us to absolutely refuse entry to the unvaccinated. We understand those health orders and must comply despite the requirement making many in the hospitality industry quite uncomfortable.
“All in all, the lower north shore has done a great job through the pandemic – so let’s all get the jab and celebrate. Silly season starts early in 2021 – BRING IT ON!”
Carolyn Corrigan
“Monday marks such an Important transition day for our community,” Mayor Corrigan says.
“The very first thing I will do Anna is remember my gorgeous Mum who, if alive, would turn 92 on Freedom Day.
“I will celebrate her memory by having my four fully vaccinated siblings over for breakfast.
“En-route to my Council office, I plan to pop into as many local boutiques as I can to welcome back our wonderful retailers and thank them for their amazing resilience and adaptability, as they negotiate the new COVID health requirements.”
Haig Gilchrist
“I’ll be working on Sydney Harbour, but when my shift finishes, I’m keen to get up to the northern beaches for a surf,” Haig says, “missing out on this has had a big effect on stress levels.
“But locals really can’t complain as so many others have done it much harder than us.
“We have been lucky being able to hit the salt at Balmoral.”
Amber Sherlock
“I think supporting local is very important,” Amber says.
“I am looking forward to browsing the retail shops, returning to yoga – and getting my nails done!”
Tim James
“I’ll be getting a haircut at George’s then having coffee and lunch at Mosman Rowers,” Tim says.
“I’m especially looking forward to having a beer with my Dad, it’s his birthday a few days after ‘Freedom Day’.”
Belinda Russell
“I’m going to lunch with a friend who lives outside the 5km, so a catch up is well and truly overdue,” Belinda says.
“I’m set to have three-months of fun in one day, I think lunch could even turn into dinner!
“Thankfully my husband is taking the day off work, so I get the day off home learning.”
Tom Williams
“We are really looking forward to having our parents over,” Tom says, “they’ve missed the little girls so much.”
“I desperately need a haircut, but most of all I just want a Carlton Draught in a schooner glass at the BV with the Mosman Dads Group.
“I’m a man of simple needs!”
Jacqui Willoughby
“I’ll be heading into the office and am not sure how I feel about that yet,” Jacqui says, “it will feel like the first day of school again!”
“I also plan to shop local for some new runners, get to the gym and then visit the hairdresser at 4:30pm.
“The champagne will be on ice for my old nursing buddy who is coming over for dinner, I just can’t wait to have a meal with her again.”
Rob Klaric
“My first ‘Freedom Day’ call will be to catch up with a couple of mates face-to-face for breakfast at Bathers Pavilion,” he says, “the simple pleasures are always the best.”
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