Club Closed: Confirmed Covid-19 case at Mosman Rowers. Members advised to watch for symptoms and get tested.

Mosman Rowers Club has been closed for deep cleaning after a customer tested positive for Covid-19.
It will re-open tomorrow morning (Saturday 29 August at 11am) after undergoing specialist sanitisation.
The Board of Directors at Mosman Rowers confirmed the coronavirus case to Mosman Collective this evening, as NSW Health works to contain a growing cluster in Sydney’s CBD.
Patrons who attended the Club from 11:00am and 12 midday on Monday 24th August and 9:00am to 9:30am on Tuesday 25 August are asked to watch for Covid-19 symptoms and get tested even if the mildest symptoms develop.
Mosman Rowers President Kathrina Doran confirmed the news to members in an email shortly before 7pm.

Mosman Rowers Club has been closed for deep cleaning after a customer tested positive for Covid-19.
It will re-open tomorrow morning (Saturday 29 August at 11am) after undergoing specialist sanitisation.
The Board of Directors at Mosman Rowers confirmed the coronavirus case to Mosman Collective this evening, as NSW Health works to contain a growing cluster in Sydney’s CBD.
Patrons who attended the Club from 11:00am and 12 midday on Monday 24th August and 9:00am to 9:30am on Tuesday 25 August are asked to watch for Covid-19 symptoms and get tested even if the mildest symptoms develop.
Mosman Rowers President Kathrina Doran confirmed the news to members in an email shortly before 7pm.
“This afternoon we were advised by NSW Health that a confirmed COVID-19 case visited the Club from 11.00am to 12 midday on Monday 24th August and 9.00am to 9.30am on Tuesday 25th August,” she wrote.
“After undertaking a site inspection, reviewing the Club’s procedures and the small number of people in venue at the times mentioned, NSW Health has advised that they believe that all visitors including floor staff are considered casual contacts, and that there has been no close contact with any members, guests or staff. As a precaution however, the staff members who may have interacted with the case are being tested and will self-isolate until they confirm a negative result.
“As soon as we received information on the COVID case we closed the club and have worked with NSW Health to provide them all the information on those visitors to the Club at the time. They will be notifying any relevant members or visitors.
“The Club is also currently undergoing a deep clean following all NSW Health Guidelines. Even though the individual concerned visited the Archie Bear Café only we have proceeded to have the entire venue deep cleaned.
Ms. Doran assured Club members she is confident of the measures taken to protect staff and visitors.

Mosman Rowers President Kathrina Doran.
“Among many measures, our staff have been wearing face masks for a number of weeks now. We have also been upholding our rigorous sanitisation schedule and distancing guidelines,” she said.
“We understand this news will cause anxiety among our community.
“We will continue to provide regular updates as more information comes to light. In the meantime, if you have any concerns or would like to contact us directly please email [email protected].”
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