Mosman Collective ‘Boredom Busters’ – the essential lockdown list!

Struggling with ideas on what to do at the moment? Kids moaning “I’m bored”? Reached the end of Netflix?
We’re here to help you beat the boredom with the first official Mosman Collective MEGA LIST of activities for families in lockdown!
Yes, staying at home is frustrating but it doesn’t need to be dull. From learning calligraphy to organising your wardrobe, updating your CV to completing a cryptic crossword, there’s plenty of fun and productive things you can do to pass the time – so why not start right now?

- Cook a meal from scratch – like Pizza (including the dough!)
- Have a Karaoke night (Pickled Possum not required!)
- Try a fitness challenge you haven’t done before.
- Write a letter to your local nursing home. Draw a picture, send good wishes to those stuck in self-isolation, and aim to put a smile on someone’s face!
- Have you tried the Marshmallow Toothpick Challenge?
- Play dress-ups in Mum and Dad’s clothes. Then have a photoshoot!
- Learn to braid hair.
- Take a virtual museum tour –
- Learn Calligraphy.
- Learn how to change a car tyre.
- Create a beautiful paper crown for a member of your family.
- Organise the Lego.
- Decorate the driveway with chalk.
- Meditate:
- Learn sign language (and then watch daily Covid updates and decipher!)
- Thread pasta into jewellery.
- Wash the car by hand.
- Learn to play Bridge.
- Learn to play Cribbage (this is great for helping kids with Maths)
- Find suitable sticks in the yard and make a Gods Eye:
- Learn your Times Tables.
- Grab the Dictionary and find a new word every day.
- Create an outfit from toilet paper (hoarders: this is a good one to use up excess!)
- Try origami:
- Make scones for morning or afternoon tea.
- Phone – don’t text – Grandparents or a friend.
- Spring clean your wardrobe.
- Learn how to polish your school shoes the old-school way.
- Learn how to tie a Windsor knot.
- Learn to sew a button on your school shirt.
- Can you skip to 100 without stopping?
- Grab the neighbours and create a Street Library.
- Complete a Cryptic Crossword
- Learn Suduko.
- Research your family tree. How far back can you go?
- Interview your Grandparents.
- Learn all the words to a Rap song.
- Learn how to put a load of washing on the correct way.
- Learn how to iron a shirt.
- Make sushi from scratch.
- Design a bookmark for a family member.
- Watch Australian Story episodes.
- Vacuum under the bed and wipe down all skirting boards, window sills.
- Make your own candle.
- Mow the lawn.
- Write your resume (this is a good one for teenagers)
- Create a family recipe book with your signature dishes.
- Buy seeds (in season) and plant your own herbs and vegetables.
- Re-pot an indoor plant.
- Practise – and perform – a TikTok dance (this one is for parents)

Do you have any more to add?
Email your ideas to [email protected]
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