Mosman Council Weekly Roundup: September 3.

Here’s the latest community news and happenings from local Council.
Business Survey
Local business owners and operators are invited to complete a short online survey to assist the development of Council’s next 10-year Community Strategic Plan, MOSPLAN.
The 10-minute survey aims to capture the challenges, aspirations, and priorities for business in Mosman over the next decade, which will help inform the next MOSPLAN and guide delivery of services and facilities to the community from July 2022.
The survey is open to all local businesses and will run until Friday 8 October.
Youth Awards Winners
The winners of this year’s Mosman Youth Awards in Literature have been announced from 321 submissions.
The competition, which is in its 29th year, attracted a high standard of entries across a wide variety of topics.
Winners, in order of first prize, second prize, highly commended and commended are:
Primary Prose: Caitlin Ong, Violet Bloxsom, Beau Booker and Alice Surace.
Junior Secondary Prose: Chantilly Ho, Kaia Tham, Cate Atkinson and Poppy McKinnon.
Senior Secondary Prose: Matilda Meikle, Olivia Layton, Sarah Cassidy and Aileen Bak.
Junior Secondary Poetry: Jade Cummins, Imogen Robertson, Ivy Hatherall and Amber Li.
Senior Secondary Poetry: Isaac Elms, Sunday Meikle, Maeve Cox and Ashley Hanna.
The total amount awarded for prizes was $2,500 and this year’s competition was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Mosman, Mosman Lions Club, Oracle Books Mosman, Northern Beaches & Mosman College and Constant Reader Bookshop.

Defibrillator Boost
An automated external defibrillator (AED) has been reinstalled at Allan Border Oval following the commencement of construction works for the oval’s new pavilion.
AEDs are located around Mosman for use in emergencies involving cardiac arrest including in Balmoral Baths and Tram shed amenities blocks and Balmoral, Middle Head, Rawson and Allan Border ovals as well as other locations.
Visit Council’s dedicated webpage to see Council owned or managed facilities where debrillators are located.

Lockdown Extended
In accordance with NSW government public health orders, Council offices and community facilities will remain closed until at least the end of September. Council staff are still able to assist via phone or online and essential services, including waste collection and support for our seniors, are continuing. Visit for more information on Council services and programs during the lockdown.
To reinforce outdoor safety, Council has reintroduced its COVID-19 Action Plan to assist staff in managing popular local beaches and major public spaces with Rangers and COVID Safety Marshals visiting beaches and other popular public spaces and additional COVID-safe messaging being installed around popular locations.
Concerns about any potential breaches can be referred to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Residents are being reminded to ask if someone they know who is struggling with life’s ups and downs is really OK ahead of RUOK? Day on Thursday 9 September.
The National Day of Action is particularly important in 2021 which has been another challenging year during the pandemic, making it even more important for residents to stay safely connected and, for those who are able, be willing to support those around us.
To further support our community, Mosman Council is participating in Our Council Cares, which is a program designed by the Mental Health Commission of NSW and RUOK? to assist customer-facing staff in their interactions with community members.
Visit the R U OK? website for tips and ideas to help share the message in the community.

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