Positions Vacant: Looking for work? There are new jobs available in Mosman this week.
TRUE CRIME: In December 1907, five Mosman teenagers committed an unthinkable crime.

Mosman Moron: Police charge same drink driver four times in three months.

Published On: February 8, 2022

A Mosman woman who told police she regularly drives while intoxicated has been charged with drink driving for the fourth time in three months.

Highway Patrol officers have today released further details of the 44-year-old resident and her moronic antics on local streets. Here’s the timeline of shame.

The 44-year-old female is due to front Manly Local Court on 10 February.

11 November 2021

Police from North Shore Police Area Command were conducting stationary Random Breath Testing on Macpherson Street, Cremorne.

At this time, Police stopped a vehicle being driven by a 44-year-old female from a Mosman address. She provided a positive breath test and was subsequently issued a penalty notice for the offence of ‘Low Range PCA’ and had her NSW drivers licence suspended on the spot.

14 November 2021

Police from North Shore Highway Patrol sighted the same vehicle driving on Ourimbah Road, Mosman.

Police stopped the vehicle for the purpose of a Random Breath Test, and the same 44-year-old female provided a positive breath test and was subsequently charged with ‘Mid-Range PCA’ and ‘Drive whilst suspended’.

24 January 2022

Police from North Shore Highway Patrol again sighted the same vehicle driving on Glover Street, Mosman.

Police stopped the vehicle for the purpose of a Random Breath Test.

The same 44-year-old female was driving, however on this occasion she provided a negative breath test. She was however charged once again with ‘Drive whilst suspended’.

Whilst in custody on Belmont Rd, the female disclosed that she and her flatmate regularly consume alcohol and drive whilst intoxicated

3 February 2022

Police received information that the female was now driving a different vehicle in an effort to avoid Police.

4 February 2022

Police from North Shore Highway Patrol stopped the new vehicle on Belmont Road, Mosman and spoke with the driver, being the same 44-year-old female.

She provided a positive breath test and was subsequently charged with ‘High Range PCA’ and ‘Drive whilst suspended’.

She was granted conditional bail with the condition that she does not occupy the driver’s seat of any motor vehicle.

Whilst in custody, the female disclosed that she and her flatmate regularly consume alcohol and drive whilst intoxicated.

Police immediately drove to her address and located her flatmate, a 56-year-old male, as he drove into the street.

Police stopped the vehicle for the purpose of a Random Breath Test and he provided a positive result. He was subsequently issued a penalty notice for the offence of ‘Low Range PCA’ and had his NSW drivers licence suspended on the spot.

The 44-year-old female is due to front Manly Local Court on 10 February 2022 for the above offences.

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Positions Vacant: Looking for work? There are new jobs available in Mosman this week.
TRUE CRIME: In December 1907, five Mosman teenagers committed an unthinkable crime.

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