Mosman woman charged with multiple drink driving offences sentenced in Manly Court.

A Mosman woman has been sentenced in Manly Court on multiple drink driving charges.
A Mosman woman caught drink driving three times in four months was sentenced in Manly Court on Friday.
45-year-old Carly Tamsin Steer avoided prison despite the numerous offences, including a 9:40 am police apprehension where she blew three times over the legal limit with five dogs in her car.
The court heard Ms Steer was caught driving on a suspended licence three times between January and February 2022.

The woman was also charged with three counts of driving with a suspended licence between January and February 2022.
Mosman Collective first reported this story last year after Ms Steer admitted to Police that she regularly drove her car while intoxicated.
She has since lost her business and her home.
Appearing via video link from a rehab centre, Ms Steer pleaded guilty to one count of high-range and mid-range drink driving, plus three counts of driving on a suspended licence.
In documents tendered to the court, police described Steer as “showing a disregard for public safety by continuing to drive” while over the limit.

In documents tendered to Manly Court, police described Steer as “showing a disregard for public safety by continuing to drive” while banned.
Manly Daily journalist Jim O’Rourke reports Magistrate Robyn Denes was told Ms Steer blew 0.157 after being stopped in her VW Transport van on Belmont Rd by the Police Highway Patrol on February 4 last year.
“Just three weeks prior to that — on January 14 — Ms Steer had been charged with mid-range drink driving after allegedly driving a Toyota 4WD in Ourimbah Rd, Mosman at 11.30 am — this time with four dogs in the car,” O’Rourke writes.
The court also heard Ms Steer was stopped by the North Shore Highway Patrol in Glover St, Mosman, on January 24 while driving suspended.
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A facts sheet tendered to court police stated that when they stopped Steer at 9.40 am on February 4, they asked her “What are you doing, Carly?”.
She replied: “I have to earn some money”.
Steer told Police had consumed two bottles of Rose and half a bottle of vodka (with another person) the previous night.
“On January 14, when she blew 0.120, Steer told police she had shared two bottles of red wine and a bottle the vodka the night before,” the Manly Daily reports.
“And when she was stopped on January 24 and charged with driving while suspended, she said she had to take one of her dogs to the vet.”

On Feb 4 last year, Ms Steer blew 0.157 after being stopped on Belmont Rd by the Police Highway Patrol.
Steer’s lawyer told the court his client was now getting her life “back on track”.
Steer was sentenced to 15 months in jail, with the sentence to be served in the community under a supervised Intensive Corrections Order.
She was also banned from using alcohol as part of the order, disqualified from driving for six months and will have to use an alcohol interlock device in her car for four years when she gets her licence back.
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