Stay in the loop with the latest local roundup from Mosman Council.

Recycle smartly
Soft plastics, unwanted clothes and e-waste can now be easily recycled through Mosman Council’s partnership with RecycleSmart.
Mosman residents can book a regular day to recycle all the tricky stuff that does not belong in the yellow bin.
The arrangement follows a successful trial program which diverted clothing and other textiles from landfill, supported by Council and the NSW Environment Protection Authority.
Head to and book a pick up for the items to be collected directly from the doorstep for recycling.

Give back to Gallery
Art-loving residents are being encouraged to help enhance Mosman Art Gallery and the renowned Mosman Art Collection by joining the Gallery’s growing group of supporters.

Making a donation, becoming a Creative Circle member, or supporting the ongoing Hunters & Collectors Conservation Project, are among ways to help the Gallery achieve its vision as one of Australia’s leading regional galleries.
Public support ensures that the Gallery continues to present dynamic exhibitions, while offering inspiring programs and cross-generational engagement with visual arts, building on the recent Hunters & Collectors campaign which raised more than $110,000 for the care and conservation of the art collection’s top 100 artworks.
Donations can be made by visiting
Seniors sessions
A series of free weekly community information sessions for seniors will be held at Mosman Square Seniors Centre from Thursday 27 May.
Topics include how wellness can help seniors remain at home, consumer-directed care, maintaining emotional well-being while ageing and elder abuse.
Sessions are limited to 30 people and bookings are essential on 9978 4128.
Storytime and Babytime return
Young children and their carers can once again attend engaging in-person sessions during school terms held by Mosman Library Service following the easing of COVID-restrictions.
Storytime, a rhyme, singing and story reading session for toddlers and preschool children aged from one to five years old, held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10.30am, can be made by visiting while Babytime, a lap sit rhyme and story session for babies aged up to one, held on Wednesdays at 10.30am can be booked via
Bookings are essential for both activities as numbers are strictly limited.
Theatre of the Grotto
An immersive installation by Sydney-based artist Kate Dorrough is the latest work to be exhibited in The Cube, Mosman Art Gallery’s dedicated space for experimental art.

Portrait – Kate Dorrough.
The site-specific installation titledTheatre of the Grotto is a playful contemporary interpretation of ancient river cave formations or a grotto, consisting of shells, rocks, statuary and water. Grottoes are often associated with the underworld, a meeting place between the human and the divine, and an original source of water representing life. Featuring painting, textiles, sculptural objects, video and sound, the installation is reminiscent of a theatre, the sculptures actors within this dramatic stage setting.
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