What will North Sydney look like in ten years? Have your say and win $100.

Things are moving fast. Have your say on the next ten years in North Sydney LGA.
How will the opening of the new metro line impact economic growth in North Sydney?
What steps are needed to change behaviours and encourage drivers to choose alternative transport modes?
These are just a couple of the crucial questions to be explored at the upcoming Economic Development and Integrated Transport Community Forums hosted by North Sydney Council next week.

More open space will be a focus of North Sydney Council over the next ten years.
The forums will be live-streamed on North Sydney Council’s YouTube channel, providing the community with an accessible platform to generate discussion and feedback on the future.
Featuring a panel of experts, the forums will address the challenges and opportunities in North Sydney’s future through an insights and evidence-based discussion.
The local community is encouraged to tune in and ask questions of the panel via the online platform.
These forums are part of a broader community consultation campaign, urging residents to “Have your say on our next ten years.”

North Sydney Mayor Zoe Baker.
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The campaign aims to shape the future of North Sydney across five key focus areas: Culture and Creativity, Economic Development, Integrated Transport, Open Space and Recreation, and Social Inclusion.
Discussion Papers on each focus area have been developed to guide community consultation. These papers highlight the strengths, challenges, and strategic opportunities within the North Sydney LGA, encouraging residents to reflect on the current state, envision the future, and consider the pathways to achieve it.
The community is encouraged to read these papers prior to the relevant forums.

Residents can tune in and ask questions at a special online panel taking place next week.
Residents, businesses and visitors can also provide feedback by completing an online survey at HERE.
Complete the survey to have a chance to win a $100 gift voucher.
“We want everyone in the North Sydney community to have their say on our next ten years and play a meaningful role in deciding where we want to be and how we’ll get there,” North Sydney Mayor Zoe Baker said.
“Your feedback is crucial in helping us identify our community’s needs and priorities and understanding how we can work together to deliver the outcomes.”
“We want everyone to feel empowered to participate in and influence local decision-making.”

Local and global trends, increasing population and changing demographics, are reshaping the lower north shore.
Economic Development Community Forum
Tuesday 11 June, 6pm
Panellists: Jeremy Gill – Director of Policy at Committee for Sydney, Victoria Moxey – 24 Hour Economy Commissioner (NSW)/Director Programs at Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade
Integrated Transport Community Forum
Wednesday 12 June, 6pm
Panellists: Brooke Knox – Director Lighthouse Innovation Projects at Transport for NSW, Jaci Armstrong – Diversity and Inclusion Advisor at Guide Dogs NSW/ACT, David Levinson – Professor of Transport and University of Sydney and Paul Forward – Former Chief Executive Roads and Maritime Services.
A future forum will also address the focus area of Culture and Creativity on Tuesday, 18 June.
For more information, please visit https://yoursay.northsydney.nsw.gov.au/our-next-ten-years
Watch the live stream HERE.
Email: [email protected]
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