After an international man hunt, Sydney TV reporter finds Jean-Claude Perrottet in Mosman.

9 News reporter Ruth Wynn-Williams found Jean-Claude Perrottet leaving a Mosman home on Tuesday. Image: Channel Nine.
After a month-long international search, a Sydney television crew has found Jean-Claude Perrottet, the brother of the NSW Premier, hiding out in Mosman.
Mr Perrottet was ordered to appear at a parliamentary inquiry into allegations of misconduct by the Hills Shire Council and property developers in the area but could not be found by hired process servers.

Mr Perrottet was ordered to appear at a parliamentary inquiry into alleged misconduct at Hills Shire Council. Image: Brendan Esposito/Daily Telegraph.
Labelled “the most wanted man in NSW”, the 26-year-old was outed by Channel 9 reporter Ruth Wynn-Williams as he left a local property on Tuesday morning.
Mosman Collective will not reveal the Mosman address where Perrottet was found, out of respect for neighbours.
Wearing a green polo shirt, beige shorts and carrying a laptop and mobile phone, Mr Perrottet was asked “where have you been?” by Wynn-Williams.
“I’ve been overseas,” he replied.
Pressed for more information Perrottet responded, “I’ve made a statement, thank you very much,” before walking away.

Mr Perrottet was seen carrying a laptop and a phone as he left a Mosman property early on Tuesday morning.
Speaking with Ray Hadley on 2GB, reporter Wynn-Williams said she believed Perrottet had stayed in the Mosman home overnight and left “very, very early this morning.”
“He wasn’t dressed for exercise, he wasn’t out pounding the pavement, he was walking down to another address,” she said.
“I don’t know whether that was some kind of meeting or whether he was off to work.”
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet's brother, Jean-Claude, has finally been found after evading parliamentary staff, and private investigators for weeks.#9News was there this morning, as he was leaving a Sydney home.
— 9News Sydney (@9NewsSyd) March 7, 2023
Missing for several weeks, Perrottet finally issued a statement on the final day of the inquiry last week, saying he was overseas and had not been served with a summons.
He said calls for the public to report his whereabouts – made by committee member and Labor MP John Graham – had “exacerbated” the stress put on him and his family.
“The harassment of my fiancee and her family members by taxpayer funded investigators, and the distribution of images of them and their homes in the media, is deeply distressing and an issue that will be subject of separate correspondence,” he said in his letter.

Mosman Collective will not reveal the name of the Mosman street out of respect for neighbours.
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