Council Roundup: New boardwalk and footpath for Bradleys Head.

There’s lots of GOOD NEWS to share in this week’s Council roundup, including details on a new boardwalk set for Bradleys Head and a major revamp set for Mosman Square, as ANNA USHER reports.
Bradleys Boardwalk
A new boardwalk and footpath featuring specially commissioned artworks is currently being constructed to address the ‘missing link’ to Taronga Zoo wharf.
The new walkway will include lighting and sculptures by award-winning Indigenous artist Maddison Gibbs visible along the tree-scape from the boardwalk.
The large cut-out steel sculptures evoke spirit figures watching over and caring for the land and sea.
The works are expected to be completed by early August.

A new footpath and boardwalk is underway at Bradleys Head.
Mosman Square Upgrade
A major renewal of Mosman Square and the adjoining Village Green is set to begin in August, pending the successful outcome of the tender process, with plans to improve spaces for events, markets and outdoor dining and increase lighting and accessibility.
Historical aspects of the square and Village Green will be retained while new elements, such as the installation of play equipment for children and public chess tables, will provide additional interest and opportunities for visitors.
The works will be completed in stages to minimise the impact on the community and businesses, and will consider environmental issues, utilising a water-sensitive urban design and environmentally friendly materials, and consistent materials to improve the many smaller scale repairs and changes made since the square’s construction in 1988.
Markets will not run in Mosman Square for the duration of works but will return as soon as they are complete.

Mosman Square and the Village Green will benefit from a major upgrade.
Allan Border Oval Pavilion Update
Construction is continuing at Allan Border Oval Pavilion,with progress ramping up after record Autumn rains delayed work.
The new grandstand will soon take shape with cement expected to be poured by the end of July, following the recent completion of the building’s second-floor slab.
Work on the project will continue until the end of the year, with the commissioning of the new building expected in early 2023.

Progress is being made on the new pavilion at Allan Border Oval.
Mosplan Details Released
Council has adopted a new suite of MOSPLAN documents including a 10-year Community Strategic Plan and Long Term Financial Plan, a four-year Delivery Program, and an Operational Plan and Budget for the 2022/23 financial year.
The Delivery Program and Operational Plan include projects to be undertaken by Council over the next four years. Projects for 2022/23 include the completion of the Allan Border Oval pavilion, renewal of Mosman Square and the adjoining Village Green, a new playgroup programs for families, technology upgrades at Barry O’Keefe Library and a new electric vehicle charging station and additional solar panel installations.
The projects are in addition to Council’s regular program of capital works as well as its ongoing financial and in-kind support to many local organisations and networks.
For full details visit the WEBSITE.


Author Talks
Mosman Library Service has authors speaking on an array of subjects from jazz to history to Australian thrillers and more over coming weeks.
Macquarie University academic and the world’s first PhD in Big History, David Baker discusses his new book The Shortest history of the world on Monday 20 July at 7pm.
Local author Greg Woodland returns with his second rural crime novel featuring Constable Mick Goodenough, The Carnival is over, on Monday 8 August at 7pm.
Local author Dr Gabriella Kelly-Davies speaks about her new book in a free event as part of National Science Week, Breaking through the pain barrier: the extraordinary life of Dr Michael J Cousins on Friday 19 August at 10.30am.
Music lovers will enjoy hearing Deirdre O’Connell present her fascinating new book Harlem Nights: the secret history of Australia’s jazz age on Monday 29 August at 7pm.
Local Studies
Learn about some fascinating aspects of Mosman’s history at Barry O’Keefe Library’s upcoming Local Studies talks.
Dr Gary Werskey will present a talk ‘A Sydney impressionist in Mosman’ based on his new book Picturing a Nation: The Art & Life of A.H. Fulwood, on Wednesday 27 July at 7pm.
Author of the The Light That Never Shone, Chris Borough, who grew up at Balmoral Beach, will discuss his book which traces the story of the Star Amphitheatre on Wednesday 3 August at 7pm.
The following Wednesday at 11am, hear Annabet Ousback, author of popular book Red Herrings, in conversation with author Mary Moody.
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