World Class: Federation home on 1207sqm listed for sale in luxury Mosman enclave.
Mosman’s Bob Rogers, Australia’s longest serving radio announcer, dies aged 97.

“I fear a nasty accident is imminent”. Mosman Bird Man wreaks havoc on Spit Rd.

Published On: May 30, 2024

Mosman’s “Bird Man” is causing commuter chaos on Spit Rd during peak hour. Image: Mosman Collective.


Mosman residents are calling for NSW authorities to act against a Spit Rd bird feeder nicknamed “Alfred Hitchcock”.

Locals living near the top of Parriwi Rd say the man, believed to be in his 60s, is causing “utter chaos” by attracting hundreds of cockatoos to the arterial thoroughfare during peak hour.

“It is only a matter of time before someone is killed,” Margaret O’Sullivan told Mosman Collective, “driving on Spit Rd during feeding time is now extremely dangerous and the birds have become quite aggressive.”

Mosman’s Bird Man, also nicknamed “Alfred Hitchcock” in reference to movie “The Birds”.

Mosman’s Bird Man first made headlines in 2015 when a group of apartment owners reported damaged roofs and destroyed wiring caused by the afternoon feeding frenzy.

At the time, the Council delivered a letter asking the man to move to a safer area away from traffic and homes, but it was ignored.

Since then, concerned residents say their complaints have gone unanswered for almost a decade.

“I have seen birds hit, cars swerve to miss birds and find the practice very distressing,” one person, who does not wish to be named, said in an email to Mosman Collective.

Hundreds of birds flock to Spit Rd during “feeding time”, causing chaos for commuters. Image: Mosman Collective.

“I have contacted Council, Police, National Parks and Wildlife [and] the Department of Housing to have him moved on – to no avail.”

“Not one government body will take on the responsibility, each saying to contact each other.”

Lower North Shore WIRES volunteer Anna MacIntosh said she had rescued “countless” cockatoos and corellas hit by passing cars on Spit Rd, many needing to be euthanised.

“Many residents along Spit Rd have tried, and we’ve all collaborated on writing to Council. Zilch has been done,” she said.

“Multiple reports to Mosman Council and the Police have been filed, but to no avail,” she said, “It’s utterly heartbreaking and has been going on for years.”

Dead cockatoo’s have become common place on Spit Rd. Image: Mosman Collective.

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Sydney bus driver “Damien” described several first-hand “close calls” on the road.

“The bird man has forced cars and buses to swerve or stop too quickly,” he said.

“Council and the State [government] also need to understand that someone will end up badly hurt – or worse – if this situation continues. It is utter madness.”

Watch: Hundreds of birds causing havoc on Spit Rd in Mosman.

One young Mum, who did not wish to be named, said the bird man recently threw seed on her baby’s pram as they waited for a bus.

“The birds were divebombing my terrified baby,” she told Mosman Collective, “Council said the behaviour is not causing any problems.”

“I also reported [to Council] seeing little kids stepping off the pavement onto an extremely busy Spit Road, to avoid him and the birds.”

“So many birds have been hit or injured,” resident Marina Sundin said.

Mosman Collective has seen numerous images of dead birds that have been hit by motorists using Spit Rd during morning and afternoon peak hour.

“So many birds have been hit or injured,” resident Marina Sundin said.

“I do feel sorry for him … but it’s so dangerous for drivers and the birds. The noise here too is unbelievable every day … it’s very sad all round.”

“The birds were dive bombing my terrified baby,” one resident told Mosman Collective.

Caroline Clarkson said driving on Spit Rd has become a worrying hazard.

“His behaviour is not fine at all – those birds are in some kind of frenzy – and I fear a nasty accident is imminent,” she said.

In a statement issued to Mosman Collective, Mosman Council said: “As this activity occurs on State-controlled land, this matter is being dealt with by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service under the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.”


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World Class: Federation home on 1207sqm listed for sale in luxury Mosman enclave.
Mosman’s Bob Rogers, Australia’s longest serving radio announcer, dies aged 97.

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