Taronga Zoo launches adorable live stream for animal lovers during Covid-19 shutdown.

For the first time in its 103-year-history, Taronga Zoo will be going virtual, with the launch Taronga TV today.
Tune in daily for a packed schedule of keepers talks and shows, 24/7 live animal streams, amusing animal antics and behind-the-scenes sneak peeks at what the animals (and the keepers!) actually get up to when the zoo is closed.
There will also be resources available for teachers and for parents who are home schooling and looking for fun and educational content for their children.
“Taronga has, and always will, be a critical part of the community and while temporarily we won’t be welcoming guests on site, we are so proud to continue to deliver some of the amazing stories from our two zoos right into your home,” said Cameron Kerr, Chief Executive of Taronga Conservation Society Australia.

Taronga Zoo.

“There’s so much for guests to experience when exploring our two zoos, but there’s also so much that goes on behind-the-scenes that normally goes unseen.
“From watching how our keepers care for and form close bonds with their animals to the vital conservation work that helps safeguard some of our most precious native wildlife. This is our chance to share some great stories, like what goes on behind the doors of our two hospitals where are critical care work continues, while also providing entertaining and educating content for those at home.

“We’re so excited to keep people up to date on what’s happening at Taronga through Taronga TV before we welcome everyone back when our gates reopen again,” he said.
Taronga TV will release new videos daily on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and online HERE.
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