Tragedy: Man dies while swimming out to yacht at Obelisk Beach.
Crime Watch: Crack Pipes, Curtain Twitchers and Cops ‘Catch of the Day’.

Covid Coverage: Local Venues of Concern + Active Cases.

Published On: October 5, 2021
NSW Health is no longer listing every COVID-19 exposure site across Sydney and will instead focus only on key venues of concern. With a rise in active cases on the lower north shore, Mosman Collective is now compiling a list of low-risk local exposure sites with the assistance of public information. Please note all details provided are treated in the strictest of confidence and thoroughly fact-checked before publication. Cases and locations will stay online for two weeks before removal.

If you would like to notify the Lower North Shore community of a potential COVID-19 event, please email: [email protected].

If you would like to notify the Northern Beaches community of a potential COVID-19 event, please email: [email protected]


Ritchies IGA – Bridgepoint Shopping Centre

Updated 5 October – 10:00am.

Mosman Collective can confirm Ritchies IGA at Bridgepoint is closed following a Covid exposure on the premises.

Store Manager Alex Malinowski said a staff member working in the fresh food department returned a positive test this morning (5/10).

All staff have been sent home and the supermarket will receive a deep clean today, in line with NSW Health Guidelines.

Mr Malinowski said the staff member has been double vaccinated.

If you attended the IGA at Bridgepoint on the long weekend, Sunday 3 October 3 or Monday 4 October, please get tested and self isolate until you receive a negative result.


Updated 23 September – 9:00am.

Mosman Collective can confirm Penny’s will be closed for at least 48 hours after a Covid exposure on the premises.

Owner Denis McDonald says he received a text message from NSW Health at 8:05am this morning, alerting him of a close contact visiting the Military Rd store.

Mr McDonald has no information on whether the contact is a staff member, customer or delivery man.

He has no advice from NSW Health on the date or time of exposure.

“We are taking every precaution to keep the local community safe and will close the store until we get further clarity,” he said, “the health and wellbeing of our customers and staff is my only priority today.”

Mr McDonald says eight staff members are being tested this morning and will be required to self isolate for 14 days.

The store is undergoing a deep clean in line with NSW Health procedures.

Mater Hospital, Rocklands Rd.

Updated 22 September – 5:00pm.

The Mater Hospital at North Sydney has confirmed eight staff members, five patients and one carer have tested positive for Covid after an outbreak emerged over the weekend, the Mosman Daily reports.

All elective surgery will be postponed for at least one week.

“The private hospital has been supporting the state’s public health system during the current outbreak and it is understood some of the positive cases have been linked with transfers from public hospitals,” the Daily says.

The total number of cases increased from 11 to 14 overnight on Wednesday.

“Immediately after becoming aware of these cases, The Mater commenced testing of patients and staff who may have been exposed to Covid-19,” a Mater spokesman said in a statement.

“All of our Covid positive staff cases are now in isolation and are being supported by The Mater.

“The Mater is identifying contacts of these patients and staff and has sought advice from Northern Sydney Local Health District to ensure the health and safety of all patients and staff is maintained.


Four Brothers.

Updated 21 September – 4:00pm

The team at Four Brothers wish to advise the community of a positive Covid case at their store.

Owner Mitchell Leach confirms with Mosman Collective a front-of-house staff member tested positive for the Delta strain today (21/9).

The Barista was working at the Mosman store on Friday 17 September, Saturday 18 September and Sunday 19 September.

“Our staff have all undergone testing today and are now in home quarantine for 14 days,” he says.

“The shop has been deep cleaned and we are waiting on further advice from NSW Health in regards to when we can re-open.”

If you attended Four Brothers on the dates above, and experience any Covid symptoms you are advised to get tested and self isolate immediately.


Updated 16 September – 4:30pm.

We’ve been notified a customer with a confirmed case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) was present at Woolworths Neutral Bay (Grosvenor Street) store at the following times:

10 September – from 5:00pm to 6:15pm.

Woolworths confirms the store has undergone a deep clean.

“The wellbeing of our customers, team and communities is our highest priority, and in line with public health advice, we are taking all necessary steps to ensure ongoing safety in our stores,” a statement reads.

“If you have been shopping in our store at the dates and times listed on the Health Departments website, please follow their advice for isolation or testing requirements.”


Updated 16 September – 3:30pm.

Mosman Collective can confirm a positive COVID-19 case at The Northern Nursery School on Wyong Rd in Mosman.

Co-Director Paula West has issued a statement and advised the community that a pre-school aged student who attended NNS on Monday 13 and Tuesday 14 September has been diagnosed with the Delta strain.

“The safety of our children, staff and community is our priority at this time and we are following the advice of NSW Health,” Ms. West says, “all children and families who attended the preschool on these two days are deemed close contacts and are following NSW Health guidelines, getting tested and isolating for 14 days.”

“No other children have tested positive to date.

“All staff are following NSW Health directives and have been tested and all tests returned to date are negative,” she told Mosman Collective.

In addition, Ms. West says the preschool has been closed since Wednesday 15 September and will reopen following school holidays in October.

A deep clean is being undertaken in line with NSW Health guidelines.

“We understand that the community is concerned about developments and we will continue to keep our families and the community updated on any further information, as it becomes available,” she said.


Updated 14 September – 3:00pm

Confirmation from Woolworths HQ that a team member in the Woolworths Neutral Bay (Grosvenor Street) store has tested positive for the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The last shifts in store were:

11 September – from 7:00am to 3:00pm
10 September – from 9:00am to 2:00pm
9 September – from 11:00am to 4:00pm

The team member has received Department of Health advice and is following isolation requirements.


Updated 11 September – 10:00am

Confirmation this morning of a third positive Covid case in the same family unit.

A 40-year-old father and his 2.5-year-old son were diagnosed on September 7, as we reported yesterday.

The man has further advised his husband returned a positive test last night.

Please note these cases were not acquired locally and the household remains in isolation.


Updated 10 September – 9:30am.

Two more active cases have been reported in the Mosman LGA, taking the total number to eight.

We can confirm a 40-year-old local father and his 2.5-year-old son have both contracted Covid-19 and were diagnosed on September 7.

Both cases were not acquired locally.

The man told Mosman Collective his family have been isolating at home since August 27, after a staff member at his child’s Day Care centre (located in Sydney’s CBD) tested positive.

“I returned negative tests for the first ten days at home and it wasn’t until Day 12 that I came down with the Delta strain,” he said, “I have been double vaccinated with Pfizer and believe it has most definitely reduced the severity of the illness.”

The man had his first vaccine in April – and his second in mid-May.

“At this stage we have been advised our last day in quarantine will be September 21.”


Updated September 6 – 2:00pm.

Mosman Prescription Centre: 685 Military Rd.
Staff member considered close contact of COVID patient and subsequently tested positive on Friday 27 August. The store was closed for deep cleaning on Saturday 28 August. Four employees are currently self-isolating at home. Please note the store has taken all measures to ensure public health safety and remains open.


Updated 6 September – 10:00am.

Travel Alert: B-Line passengers.
Resident advises her mother tested positive to COVID on Thursday 2 September. The woman used public transport on Wednesday 1 September and travelled from Wynyard to Spit Junction (B-Line) at 11:49am. At 2:51pm the woman travelled back to Wynyard via Military Rd and Cabramatta Rd. If you were on the bus at the times mentioned please self-isolate and get tested immediately.

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Tragedy: Man dies while swimming out to yacht at Obelisk Beach.
Crime Watch: Crack Pipes, Curtain Twitchers and Cops ‘Catch of the Day’.

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