People Power: Loyal customers save Mosman cafe from demolition. New lease signed!

Saved from the bulldozer: Middle Head Cafe owners have signed a new five-year lease.
Middle Head Café has been saved from the chopping block and will remain “for many years to come”, with owners Dany and Christelle Bertrand inking a new deal with the Harbour Trust.
The French-Australian couple, who have run the much-loved eatery for over a decade, spoke to Mosman Collective this week, expressing their excitement and heralding ‘people power’ as a force for good.
Ms Bertrand said push-back from loyal customers and a petition with thousands of signatures helped reverse the Trust’s plan to bulldoze the café as part of the Middle Head Masterplan, which proposes to transform the precinct.

Middle Head Cafe owners Dani and Christelle Bertrand. Image: SMH.
She said the decision was also thanks to Trust’s willingness to listen to community feedback on the controversial re-development.
“You know, it’s not always easy dealing with big government – and we have the National Parks and Wildlife also [with their stake in the area] – so this result is very good for us and the community. Yes. They listened,” Mrs Bertrand said.

Local residents are thrilled to learn the popular cafe will remain at Middle Head for at least the next five years. Image: Kathryn Barton.
Last month, Harbour Trust published a Consultation Outcomes Report on resident submissions and revisions ahead of a second community consultation process.
Middle Head Café’s new five-year lease means “a café in the guard house will remain in place for years to come,” a Harbour Trust spokesperson told Mosman Collective.
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Hoping to avert the demolition, – run by a group of “concerned community members” – began a petition in February with a target of 2,500 signatures.
It was to be presented to Environment and Water Minister Tanya Plibersek – responsible for federal-owned land – and to The Harbour Trust executive director, Janet Carding.

Christelle and son Lucas photographed at their cafe by Mosman Collective this week.
The family run café, located on a prime parcel of harbour front land formerly occupied by the Australian Defence Forces, will now receive a menu refresh thanks to twin sons Lucas and Sonny who work alongside their parents two days each week.
“They work hard,” Ms Bertrand said. “I told my husband that it the boys leave the café, then we must sell it. We cannot run this without them.”
“The café has evolved into a community centre over the years, she said, and local people were prepared to fight for its survival.
“This just means so much, and we are very thankful to our lovely customers.”
For the full report can be viewed on the Website – head to Chapter 4 for key points.
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