CRIME WATCH: Eleven arrested at Sunday Sesh. Man helps direct reversing truck – and gets run over.
Our love affair with Jacarandas and where to see them on the lower north shore.

Your essential guide to celebrating Halloween in Mosman.

Published On: October 27, 2021

This year’s Halloween falls on Sunday, which means local kids – and an inevitable influx of visitors – will be on several local streets to Trick or Treat.

Mosman Collective won’t publish the names of the so called “best” areas to visit in Mosman and Cremorne, but we will urge EVERYONE attending the celebration to do their bit and help Halloween hosts, by donating a jumbo bag of lollies.

And to keep the festivities under control, please consider the following guidelines to make Halloween in Mosman a fun, friendly, safe and low stress event for everyone!

NSW Health last year issued guidelines for Halloween, which are worth re-visiting ahead of Sunday:

To keep Halloween celebrations outdoors, residents should Trick or Treat in front-yards rather than have an open-house event.

For trick-or-treating, a supervising adult is advised to join children from the same household, instead of having groups of children moving about together.

“Keep it local and put effort into decorating the front yard, rather than focusing on well-known ‘treat streets’,” a NSW Health spokesperson said.

Provide closed packaging for treats and instead of communal lolly bowls, consider other ways of distributing treats, like strewn along the front fence.

“And have hand sanitiser at the front gate.”

Maintaining social distance is also recommended and children “should not share costume face masks”.

Love it – or loathe it, Halloween is here – and we wish you all a fun, friendly and safe afternoon celebration!

Many Mosman home owners spend hours decorating their homes for Trick or Treating. Image: Daily Mail.

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CRIME WATCH: Eleven arrested at Sunday Sesh. Man helps direct reversing truck – and gets run over.
Our love affair with Jacarandas and where to see them on the lower north shore.

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