Mosman local Tom Williams makes a return to the dance floor and we’re LOVING it!

Mosman local and former Dancing With The Stars champion Tom Williams is making a return to the dance floor in the upcoming All Stars season of the hit TV show.
In 2005, The Great Outdoors and Daily Edition presenter, with dance partner Kym Johnson, defeated runners up Ian Roberts and Holly Brisley to take out the title.
Easy-on-the-eye Tom, who thrilled viewers with his shirtless performances, tells Mosman Collective he’s working hard to get his body in tip-top shape ahead of some much-anticipated raunchy performances.

Anna Usher: Hi Tommy! You’re turning heads at the gym again – so how’s the DWTS training going?
Tom Williams: Ha! Thanks for that Anna! Yes, I’m busy preparing for the All Stars series at the moment and it’s fun but bloody exhausting. I did Series Two of DWTS in 2005 and 16 years later, things are pretty taxing on my body. My recovery time isn’t as quick, the muscle memory is slower and I’m not the 34-year-old I once was!
Tom Williams DWTS
Anna: Where are you training?
Tom: I’m really lucky to be prepping at Mosman Dance Academy, so I’m surrounded by some incredibly gifted and talented dancers .. taking breaks and overlooking gorgeous Georges Heights and South Head has its advantages too!
Anna: Was it a big decision to return to Dancing With The Stars?
Tom: The show is fun! I’ve had good success in the past and it certainly holds that special place in my heart. It’s the classic TV concept, take the personality out of their comfort zone and let’s see if they can handle the pressure of a live performance! I love it.
Anna: Has it disrupted your day-to-day life?
Tom: Not really, I’ve had a few lane changes with job roles around property sales, but am now settled into a position with Asset Reports as a partner. The business has a range of services, but my focus is on the Quantity Surveying and 3D Virtual Tour sector of the business. What we do is provide support services to developers, agents, retail, commercial and industrial asset-based businesses. The headquarters are in Perth but I head up the NSW team.

Tom Williams returns to Dancing with the Stars in 2021.
Anna: Tell me about the transition from TV to the property industry? Was it hard?
Tom: Pulling away from a 20-year media career was always going to have its challenges, and I never expected it to be a breeze. My family and friends have been a huge support and constant source of encouragement. I feel so blessed to have a company like Asset Reports providing me with a wealth of knowledge and training, they have been fantastic.

Tom with wife Rachel Gilbert and daughters Sloane and Storm.
Anna: How’s the family?
Tom: The girls are really settled at a local public school in Mosman and I love seeing how they are growing up with such a thirst for knowledge. Mosman is such a special place for all of us, we have to stop sometimes and really take it all in. My family is extremely fortunate to live in such a great community, it reminds me a lot of my childhood.

Anna: What do the kids think of Daddy dancing?
Tom: It’s one of the reasons I wanted to do the show. Rachel sealed the deal for me when she said “the girls will love watching you”. They were a little too young to grasp the concept of ‘I’m a Celebrity Get me out of Here”, but when they see Daddy prancing around the dance floor with all the lights going on, I think they’re going to be thrilled. Both love ballet, not that I’ll be jumping into the tights and tutu’s any time soon!
Anna: What do you love about Mosman?
Tom: Our magnificent waterways are the tonic that keeps me on track. I paddle surf ski’s out of Middle Harbour and have been for 13 years now. The sport is exploding with popularity and it’s fantastic to see so many paddlers getting into it. The racing is back and I can’t wait to get on the start line again. Some of my best mates live close by and we have regular get-togethers and a few drinks or enjoy weekend BBQs. Bike riding, the beach and long days spent around the pool have given us an endless summer. I don’t think we’ll ever live anywhere else.
Anna: Good chat Tommy!
Tom: You’re welcome Anna, I’ll keep you in the loop with DWTS updates!
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